Friday, April 29, 2011

Mystic, Part 2

Today is the LAST day to support me and Mommy in our March of Dimes walk this Saturday - we really appreciate any donation at all! If you still haven't contributed (::cough cough:: Daddy ::cough cough::), CLICK HERE to sponsor us!

On to the finale of my recap of our Mystic trip. I totally failed at doing what Daddy calls the "bite-by-bite" story, but since we've been home for a week, it kind of feels like old news. A synopsis will have to do...

After Suzanne and Evan and Evan and Caroline went home, Mommy and Daddy and I sat down for a little break so that I could get over the disappointment of not being allowed to splash in the touch tank. (Sidenote: I still have The Meanest Mommy ever.) I had some juice and some goldfish crackers and they made everything all right in the world again, so we went off to see the sea lion show.

Do you guys know how awesome sea lions are?

While the trainers explained the differences between seals and sea lions, showed how sea lions are being trained to help the Navy, and demonstrated some pretty neat tricks, I paid rapt attention. I was the most enthusiastic audience member those sea lions ever saw! I clapped and yelled "Yay!" throughout almost the entire show - even though most of the time, no one else was. (The other people only cheered when the sea lions leapt from the water or blew kisses; I was happy just to BE there.)

After that, we went back into the aquarium building where I looked at a bunch of fish and turtles and rays, and then crawled like a lobster.

The tunnel was easily high enough for me to walk through, but I was following directions.

After one last trip to visit the whales, we headed back to the hotel, where I took a long nap.

A really long nap.

After we woke up (Mommy and Daddy and Henry may have napped, too), I had a quick snack and then we went to walk around the village of Mystic. Originally, we planned on checking out S & P Seafood, which was recommended by a few friends, but there was a pretty long wait, and it looked a little fancy-pants for a tantrum-prone toddler tired little boy. We wandered around for a little while and checked out some of the little shops, before driving over to Rice Spice Noodles for dinner. Mommy and Daddy enjoyed some super-yummy curry dishes, and I continued my "chicken on a stick" weekend dinner theme with satay - which I completely polished off! After we got back to the hotel, Daddy and I went for a walk and he got me some ice cream! Friday? kind of rocked.

One of the great things about Mystic is that the tickets for both the Seaport and the Aquarium are good for a second day within the week - it's buy one, get one free! We had planned to go back to the Seaport, but Saturday morning was rainy and dreary, so we went back to the aquarium and revisited all of our favorites from Friday. Then we hit up Kitchen Little for another yummy brunch (seriously, go there) before heading home.

All in all, our trip to Mystic was a lot of fun - and it's less than 3 hours from home (well, when Mommy drives)!

In case you got so engrossed in my vacation story that your forgot, here is one final plea to beg for donations for the March of Dimes. Please consider making a small donation - just CLICK HERE!


  1. OMG, the idea of you yelling and screaming yay all through the sea lions made my day. SOOOOOOO cute!!

    Love that you crawled through the crab tunnel too!

    And now I really want some Coldstone....

  2. New follower from the Sunday Blog Hop! :)
    Jen @ My Secret Home


I know, I'm cute, right? Is that what you were going to say? Go ahead, you can pinch my cheeks.