Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Spring Fever

Monday was our Seder, and we have big plans for the rest of the vacation (starting with the park/zoo today and then heading to Mystic, CT for a few days!), but yesterday? Yesterday, it was sort of gray and rainy and we were *tuckered* so we just hung around at home. Henry spent most of the day snoozing on the couch.

So we have no cute pictures from yesterday (of ME, anyway, Henry looks pretty darn adorable with his new summer haircut), but we *do* have some video from Monday. Mommy *finally* caught me dancing on film - for about 4 seconds until Luke put the instruments out and I ran over to play with them!

Also? You can totally hear me yelling with excitement at the end there while running for the instruments and almost tripping over one.

Today is Uncle Matt's birthday - but he lives in Australia so maybe it was yesterday there. Mommy and I have a lot of trouble understanding the time difference. Anyway, he'll be home for a visit in a few months - YAY!


  1. So cute! Hope you guys have a great week.

  2. Oh my gosh, dancing Cole is SOOOOO cute!!! SOOOOOOOOOOOOO CUTE!!!!!

    I love how he was so excited about the instruments that he almost fell but managed to hold it together LOL

  3. Way to go Cole!
    Oh, and why do kids always make it so difficult for us to videotape them ;)?


I know, I'm cute, right? Is that what you were going to say? Go ahead, you can pinch my cheeks.