Friday, May 20, 2011

Mommy's Night Out at Mommybites!

This post is going to be short and sweet because Mommy totally ditched Daddy and me last night to go into the city for a night of "learning, socializing, and shopping." That's right - it was the second annual Mommybites Summit! If you were on Twitter last night and you follow me (wait, you don't?), then you probably pretty much followed along, but a brief recap for those of you who aren't hip to the social media:

The evening started out with a keynote presentation by Hal Runkel about ScreamFree Parenting - this was something that Mommy and Daddy could both probably work on a little, and his speech was really entertaining. You can catch some of the main ideas by checking out #mommybites on Twitter. He said that the number one job of parents is just learning to stay calm - harder than it sounds!

After that, there were a few break-out sessions; Mommy chose to go to "Strollers and Bottles and High Chairs…Oh My!" mostly because it was run by two of my very favorite tweeps: Jamie (aka @TheBabyGuyNYC) and Jennifer (aka @BabyPlannerNYC). They both made her feel totally famous becuase they knew who she was! "Oh, you're Cole's mom!" {So, really, *she's* not famous, *I* am, but whatever.}

Then there was a break and an opportunity to nosh on yummy snacks and wander around mingling with the vendors. Mommy walked around and talked with old and new friends and did some networking. She picked up a snack for me from HappyBaby, snagged a DiaperBud sample, and won a toy from NYFamily before getting tired and deciding to bail on the second break-out session.

Guess what? They gave her a gift bag on the way out the door, filled with TONS of goodies and offers!

If you are local to NYC, you should totally check out babybites - and if you're not? No worries, because guess WHAT? babybites announced last night that they're launching nationwide as mommybites!

In the spirit of full transparency here, Mommy got to go to Mommybites for free as an invited guest {she totally even found on-street parking!}, but she would have been psyched about it even if she had paid for her ticket. Heather and Laura and Elise didn't ask me to write this post and probably don't even know about it.


  1. Hi! Following you from the Relax & Surf Sunday blog hop! Hope you visit my Cajun blog and return the follow!
    - Jessica @

  2. I love the blog Cole! Hi! Just stopping by. Following you from the Relax and Surf Sunday Hop. Would love it if you would visit and 'like' my page:


I know, I'm cute, right? Is that what you were going to say? Go ahead, you can pinch my cheeks.