Monday, May 23, 2011

Summer Adventures

Every little kid knows the best part of the year is summer vacation - and Mommy and Daddy are teachers, so summer is our time for adventures as a family. (Well, in the time between when Daddy teaches summer school, that is.) I've only had one summer so far, but we had a pretty great time! Here are my top 5 dream vacations:

1. Theme Park
Last year, we went to Sesame Place, and we're going to try to get back sometime this season, too, since it was SO much fun. But we are SOOOOOOOOO lucky that Uncle Matt is taking us to Disney World this year! Every kid should get to go at some point to experience the magic of meeting their favorite characters and go on a trip specifically geared toward them. While theme parks are fun for adults, too, there is a level of magic for the under 10 set.

2. Camping
Mommy is not entirely on board with this one, being an indoor kind of girl, but everyone should spend at least a few nights somewhere toasting smores and telling ghost stories - playing outside and experiencing a 24 hour period of time of being unplugged. Probably we'll wait till I'm potty trained for this one...

3. The Beach
Is there anyone that doesn't love the beach? Spending the day try to prevent your sandwich from getting too sandy and chasing the seagulls - those are my favorite parts, anyway. Mommy likes to relax in a lounge chair and catch up on some reading, and Daddy could spend the whole time in the ocean. I'm superticklish, too, so getting sunscreen applied is fun for everyone.

4. Close to Home Staycation

Did I mention Mommy and Daddy are both teachers? Big vacations are SO much fun, but sometimes it's more budget friendly to stay at your own home base and plan local adventures. We are lucky enough to live outside NYC, so there is no shortage of fun things to do; the Bronx Zoo is a huge favorite, but the playground right down the street is a good bet on a nice day, too. Mommy signs up for all the local parenting and tot newsletters, and checks online calendars to find free and cheapy events.

5. Foreign Travel
I am still too little to appreciate an overseas adventure, but eventually everyone should take a trip outside of their own country and comfort zone. It is amazing to see and experience other cultures firsthand - and whether it's an African Safari, viewing the Great Barrier Reef in Australia, or wandering through the museums of Europe, there is an awful lot that the USA can't offer.

I'm looking forward to a summer full of adventures, even though *most* of them this year will be closer to home!

I wrote this blog post while participating in the SocialMoms and Alamo blogging program, for a gift card worth $25. For more information on how you can participate, click here.


  1. We are going camping this weekend! Super excited. I think Jackson will love it! :)

  2. Somehow I missed that you live near NYC! I've always wanted to go there :) love your picks for places to go.


I know, I'm cute, right? Is that what you were going to say? Go ahead, you can pinch my cheeks.