Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Big Plans

Mommy and Daddy have been trying to get a summer vacation planned for months now. We really loved Ocean City last year, but it was proving difficult to find a budget and dog friendly one bedroom rental. Then, Uncle Eric offered us use of their vacation house, but airfare was SUPER pricey (especially given that I'll be 2, and need my own ticket) and then it got rented anyway. We briefly considered a cruise to Canada, but it just didn't really work out.

Plus, it has gotten really hot.

So, instead of planning a big vacation, Mommy and Daddy are getting me an air conditioner for my room - and maybe replacing the one in their room, too.

But we're not just going to sit around enjoying our cool air all summer... Uncle Matt is taking us to Disney World at the end of June (sooooooooo excited!), and then we'll go on a bunch of semi-local day trips. Mommy has a whole Pinterest board devoted to adventures within a 3 hour radius. {I'm sure you're all already on Pinterest, since Mommy was the absolute last one to jump on that particular band wagon, but if you're not and want an invitation, let me know. Pinterest? is awesome.}

Zoos, parks, aquariums, beaches, theme parks - even a train ride! We have an exciting few months ahead, even if we are not going too far away. Anyone want to join us on any of our day trips?

1 comment:

  1. I seriously thought this was going to end on the "No vacation, I'm getting an air conditioner instead" note and I was totally cracking up.

    Disney World!?!?!? SOOOOOOOOOOOOO jealous!!


I know, I'm cute, right? Is that what you were going to say? Go ahead, you can pinch my cheeks.