Monday, July 4, 2011

Disney - Dining With Dinosaurs

Happy July 4th!

I hope everyone is having a terrific holiday weekend! In between family barbecues and hitting the pool, I am declaring this week Disney recap week - because you guys? I had the best time EVER.

I met Mickey. AND flirted with Minnie - but more on that that later; while we *did* enjoy a character breakfast with Minnie and Goofy and Donald Duck, my FAVORITE meal was our first night, when we hit T-Rex Cafe in Downtown Disney.

It had been a long day of traveling - and I was too excited to nap, so Mommy was worried about a meltdown in the middle of dinner. We chose the T-Rex Cafe, therefore, for two reasons: 1) She hoped all of the dinosaurs and activity in the restaurant would serve as a distraction for me, and 2) she thought the ambient noise would mask any meltdown I did have. We never had too worry about any meltdowns, though, because I was *so* excited to be there!

Mommy and Daddy and Grammy Boo and Coach and Uncle Matt were pleasantly surprised at the quality of the food - I didn't order anything of my own, but I ate off of everyone else's plates and it was good! My favorites were the ribs, and the carrots from Uncle Matt's and Daddy's veggie sides.

Every 20 minutes, there was a "meteor shower," complete with thunder and lightning, flashing lights, and LOTS of roaring dinosaurs. Mommy was worried that it might be a little too intense for me, but I *loved* it! I pointed out my favorite animals to everyone else - and roared right back at some of them!

As with many touristy areas, the restaurant was a little over-priced... but given the awesome views, the good food, and the fact that it kept me entertained without screaming or throwing things so the rest of the family could enjoy a meal, Mommy thought it was completely worth it.

And? Dinner, combined with a crazy day of traveling and being up from 6:00AM to past 9:00PM left me completely wiped - I fell asleep before we made it even 20 feet from the restaurant.

1 comment:

  1. Wow sounds like a great time! Glad it worked out so well!


I know, I'm cute, right? Is that what you were going to say? Go ahead, you can pinch my cheeks.