Thursday, July 21, 2011

Not A Thousand Word Thursday

Given that I haven't posted in a week, throwing up a picture and calling it a day feels a little bit like cheating... I *did* put a video on Facebook on Friday, and on Tuesday I made a cameo on Twitter to ask for help with my Mickey party ideas, but I've been mostly MIA from social media. (Except for Pinterest. Pinterest is awesome.)

Anyway. I need new "people." Mommy is really my main person, and she's been too tired at the end of our summery adventure days to post. Daddy is teaching summer school, but he gets out early enough to take fun day trips a few times a week and that, combined with the heat wave we're going through and the fact that she's growing a person means that she's not a really great secretary any more. I have a BUNCH of catching up to do.

Sorry, Meredith.

On Mondays we have Music for Aardvarks and we hit story time on Wednesdays; add the fact that Daddy teaches guitar lessons on Tuesday afternoons, and that means that we have most of our adventures on Thursday or Friday. A few weeks ago, we headed into the city for a trip to the Museum of Natural History. I've recently become interested in dinosaurs and they have a whole *bunch* of them there! We wandered around the dinosaur exhibit for a while and then spent some time in the hall with the dioramas of all different wild animals. I had a great time running around under the giant blue whale with a few other little kids we met, AND there was a discovery room where you could put together a dinosaur skeleton!

Also? There's a Pinkberry just a few blocks away from the museum - yum!

The next week, Mommy and I met a few of her former students at Rye Playland - Betsy, Laura, Francis, and Victor just graduated high school and Mommy couldn't be prouder of them! I can't go on many of the rides at Playland (this is kind of sticking point for Mommy - the kiddie rides have minimum AND maximum height restrictions, so she couldn't go on with me and the ones I could go on by myself were *very* limited), but my friends took me on the kiddie rides that I *could* go on, and I had a great time!

Last week we went to the beach, and I haven't stopped talking about it since! I'm not too sure about the ocean - it's a little cold for my tastes - but I had a great time building sand castles with Daddy!

So. We've been super-busy - I'm as tired as Mommy!

Hmmmm, maybe this *was* a "Thousand Word Thursday" after all...

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I know, I'm cute, right? Is that what you were going to say? Go ahead, you can pinch my cheeks.