Thursday, August 25, 2011

Birthday at the Beach - Thousand Word Thursday

You know how a picture is worth a thousand words? Thursday posts showcase a favorite photo, past or present, of me and/or my family and friends.


  1. Awesome!! I want a beach birthday!!! (too bad my birthday is in November and there are no beaches within a zillion miles....)

    Happy Birthday again!!! :o)

  2. Happy birthday, I'm lovin the Eric Carle blog theme! I'm your newest follower, check me out at

  3. Hey! A new follower from the blog hop. Inviting you to enter my might be a bit young yet, but bet your Mommy would like it!

  4. Happy Birthday Cole!

    We just celebrated my little one's second birthday too.

    I’m your newest follower, and I hope you are enjoying your weekend. Hopefully, you and your loved ones are not affected by Irene’s path.
    I would like to invite you to the Sunday Social Network Exchange, where you can expand all of your social networks and thereby your blogging reach. Check out this special Sunday blog hop.


I know, I'm cute, right? Is that what you were going to say? Go ahead, you can pinch my cheeks.