Tuesday, August 16, 2011

How {Not} To Plan a Party

Mommy has grand master plans - and mostly ends up scaling way, way, W-A-Y back by the time any sort of event actually arrives. Here's a sneak peek at next week's Mickey party!

Mommy's Guide to Party Planning
  • 6 months ahead of time - Select 3 different themes, and gather ideas for all of them. Make Picasa collages of each and try to force Daddy, who is wisely attempting to stay out of it, to choose.
  • 3 months out - Continue to collect ideas and create a Pinterest board to keep them together. Imagine cooking and baking and doing it all yourself. Picture your party looking just like the professionally planned and executed ones online.
  • With 6 weeks to go - Change your theme entirely to one that wasn't even part of the initial three. Remember that you don't cook, are afraid of the oven, and all of your DIY creations look like they were occupational therapy projects for blind monkeys. Start outsourcing: order cakepops and a cake from your friend who actually bakes for a living, explore catering options, and put your all into the simplified decorations that are nowhere near as elaborate as your original delusions dreams. Design not one but FIVE different invitations and send them out.
  • One week from party time - Go into hyperdrive. The project that's been laying half done on the dining room table for over a month? Finish it in one afternoon. (Well, mostly.)

    The styrofoam balls are going to be put together as Mickey heads - the green cups are just holding wet paint balls, they're not going to be part of the finished project.

    Here is the most important part of this week's step: Call in your slave labor. Do you have a Cousin Meredith? Because she works for cheap! She chased me around for two hours while Mommy ran errands, and then happily relabeled water bottles and painted styrofoam Mickey parts, all for the price of one cakepop from Starbucks.

Please cross your fingers for clear weather on Saturday - my party is planned to be in my favorite local park and, while we do have a rain location just in case, Grammy Boo is not going to be too thrilled if we actually have to use her house for the 10 toddlers and 30+ adults we're expecting! Stay tuned next week for pics!


  1. LOL - sounds like my party planning skills too!

    Good luck - can't wait to see pics!

  2. Ahhhh, I hope I can come! Darn my indecisive little sister. Gotta DM mommy my number!

  3. Your 6 weeks out reality? Is why your mommy and I are friends. Yep, that's me entirely. 100%. Scary oven and blind monkey rehab craft skills.

    Only I never would have said it so eloquently. I'm very glad I was not drinking anything when I read that.

    Good luck with the home stretch! Doing my anti rain dance for you guys!!!

  4. Holy crap - this is me! I had the best laid plans of a custom rainbow party. Yep, totally ordering Ariel supplies from Party City and calling it a day.

  5. Is that 30 adults and 10 toddlers a true count, Cole, or is Mommy still sugar coating for Boo and Coach? We are joining the sun dance!

    GB and C

  6. Can I demand more cake pops now? Since I did all that work and took a terrible picture that was posted for all to see? Eh? Eh?
    Also, Sir Nicholas, you are very very adorable, but we need to see something other than the fish and the front door of the Pet store next time...

  7. great plan to enjoy party thanks for sharing idea

    Front Doors

  8. That sounds like me party planning! For Eliot's first birthday I just bought a bunch of colorful stuff at the last minute. Theme: colors! yay!

    I'm sure you'll have a fabulous Mickey day, Cole!


I know, I'm cute, right? Is that what you were going to say? Go ahead, you can pinch my cheeks.