Monday, August 8, 2011

Summer is Flying!

The Terrible Twos have arrived in our house with a vengeance - I have spent the past several weeks a whiny, cranky, screaming mess. And Mommy? For some reason, she doesn't have nearly the patience she usually does.

She says I have struck out on dining out, and I won't be going with her or Daddy to a restaurant for a l-o-n-g time. Sure, scream a little bit and throw a little food and she totally overreacts!

She also says that Baby Squishy is going to come out all dented because I keep climbing on her and kneeling on her tummy. She calls it attack cuddling.

The next few weeks are going to be a whirlwind - we're having a Mickey birthday party, my actual birthday, AND a mini-vacation at Rocking Horse Ranch, plus probably a few day trip adventures sprinkled in! Stay tuned, there are going to be a TON of pictures!


  1. Attack cuddling is the PERFECT description. Can't wait to see pictures of your Mickey birthday!

  2. Stay strong mommy, I'm rooting for ya ;). My daughter has become extra busy lately - filling the toilet with clean towels and drawing on the door with sidewalk chalk, etc. Patience is needed these days in the terrible twos :) - ha!

  3. Oh Cole, posts like this SCARE me! What in the world am I going to do with Mason in 6 months?!!? Yikes!!!

    Can't wait to see pictures and posts and all things Cole sometime again soon!!

    Be nice to that squishy baby! Gentle love, little man!!


I know, I'm cute, right? Is that what you were going to say? Go ahead, you can pinch my cheeks.