Friday, September 23, 2011

Playground Pics!

Mommy and I are enjoying the mild fall weather - and wringing every last drop of outdoor enjoyment time before the winter hits. We spend the evenings outside taking Sugarplum for walks, blowing bubbles, or drawing with sidewalk chalk with my friend, Trey.

Trey's birthday party was last weekend, and we spent the entire beautiful afternoon on the playground. All of a sudden, I've started to hit the bigger slides, but Mommy was able to survive the afternoon with no heart attacks and I had a great time!

I liked the hats so much, I've been wearing mine all week!

As an aside, you may have noticed my new pretty pink button on the top right sidebar - apparently, I was nominated as a Parents 2011 Best Local Mom Blog. Not only is that totally awesome in and of itself, but it seems I have a secret admirer! The person Mommy and I were *convinced* nominated us denies it - anyone want to 'fess up?


  1. Congrats on the award!!

    And I love that pic of Cole coming down the slide - his hair is hilarious!!

  2. Cole your hair after going down the slide made me smile! So stinkin' cute! Also kudos to your parents for letting you play with a stroller & doll! Boys can play babies too! Love it :)

  3. Cole's giant sunglasses remind me of Michael Jackson LOL

    OMG going down the big slides already!? I don't blame mommy for nearly having a heart attack! Mason loves his big kid slides but the nearly straight down ones are still off limits. Is that one BUMPY too?!

    Still love that shirt! :o)


I know, I'm cute, right? Is that what you were going to say? Go ahead, you can pinch my cheeks.