Saturday, September 3, 2011

A Quickie

I don't generally post on weekends - especially recently, but Mommy just *had* to put this video up; she has been trying to capture me somersaulting for MONTHS. Seriously, I have been doing somersaults since I was about a year and a half, but I don't like to do them when Mommy has the camera on.

Two notes: We have friends staying with us this weekend, so we moved the coffee table to the front hall to accommodate their air mattress - that left us with a bunch of open space in the living room, but the lighting in there is not the best at night. Also, Mommy underestimated the amount of time it takes her camera to start recording, so she cut off me telling you that I am two years old at the beginning of the video; we read on someone else's blog that they had their kids say their ages on camera so when they're watching the movies 20 years from now, they'll know. That seemed like a really good idea, so we blatantly stole it - unfortunately, we can't remember what blog it was on. If it was yours, let us know in the comments! Mommy, stunning cinematographer that she is, also managed to cut off my "buh bye!" at the end.

But she caught the somersault. So here it is:


  1. what a great idea I'll have to remember to do that as well :D

  2. Cute! My daughter can kind of do a half summersault and it's hilarious to watch :). Have a great weekend!

  3. This is a darling site !! Happy to follow you. Hope you can stop in and return the favor soon

  4. Adorable! What a little gymnast! Hopefully your mommy will perfect her videography skills soon so we can hear your voice. ;-)

    I hope you guys are having a fabulous weekend!


I know, I'm cute, right? Is that what you were going to say? Go ahead, you can pinch my cheeks.