Monday, September 19, 2011

Squishy is a Second Child

So, aside from a few mentions here or there, Squishy hasn't gotten very much press... You remember Squishy, right? My new baby brother or sister will be joining us in January.

We are NOT prepared.

And not just because Mommy is directing and producing her middle school musical less than 3 weeks after giving birth. {!!!}

Babies don't really need much - a place to sleep, a place to get changed, some clothes to wear. Should we tackle those in order?

The plan is that Squishy will sleep in my old crib in Mommy and Daddy's room. There's just one small problem with that:

I'm still kind of using my crib. {Don't even get me started on the binky... or the fact that Mommy and Daddy prepared for *my* arrival by lovingly decorating and furnishing an entire room, and Squishy will be lucky to get a corner of theirs!}

*I* have a changing pad on my dresser in my room {see all that? my changing pad, my dresser, my room}, but Mommy's thinking that she won't want to risk waking me up by bringing Squishy in there for midnight changes. The plan is to put a changing pad and a basket of supplies on HER dresser - which would only be a threat to poor Daddy's beauty sleep. You know what we don't have? A changing pad. Or a basket for the supplies. Or supplies. Or the space on her dresser. {Right now there's an unused tv on there, but it's kind of giant and so no one has had the energy or ambition to get rid of it.}

Mommy and Daddy had a big plan on having a second baby that could wear my hand-me-downs. Not only was the last ultrasound inconclusive regarding whether Squishy is a boy or girl, but also, apparently Mommy and Daddy don't own a calendar: *I* was born in August. Squishy will be born in January - even if he's a boy, my little short sleeved newborn clothes aren't going to do much good! Mommy has purchased exactly ONE onesie for Squishy so far. So that should last about half an hour or so. Also? She neglected to buy any pants to go with it.

We DO own approximately 27 carriers, so we're good there - Squishy will just spend the first few months of life attached to Mommy's chest.


  1. Don't worry Cole, I'm sure mommy will figure it out. If it makes her feel better I still have to build Bean's room altogether and we are due end of Jan. Eeee I should probably get the mister to get on that!

  2. I don't think you're alone :) Just do some shopping in December and you'll be good haha

  3. Maybe the nesting instinct will kick in yet ;). I remember not feeling very prepared but in the end it all comes together.


I know, I'm cute, right? Is that what you were going to say? Go ahead, you can pinch my cheeks.