Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Our Babywearing Progression

My friend Molly pointed out to me that it was International Babywearing Week and demanded gently requested a post about Mommy's and my experience.

You know how we love the babywearing around here, right? For those who might not remember, I posted a love letter to my Moby wrap when that was the only carrier we really used - but since then, my collection has really grown! While we mostly reach for the same favorites over and over, we have over 20 different carriers to choose from... I posted a review of our progress almost exactly a year ago so I guess it's time for another one, especially since in the meantime Mommy has started her own babywearing business!

We have a number of friends that are expecting or have new babies, and the number one thing they ask us is which carriers we love the most, and which they should register for. We have found that carriers are like your favorite t-shirt: different types or brands might work better for different body types. That said, we can tell you what we have liked the best!

For Newborns

You already know that we found our Moby to be nothing short of miraculous - I had colic and acid reflux and ONLY found comfort in Mommy's arms. I wanted nothing to do with my stroller {and to this day would rather push it than ride inside - we've used it maybe 10 times in my whole life} and the Moby helped Mommy snuggle me close AND still be able to use her arms. For the first 6 months or so of my life, I traveled *everywhere* from the comfort of 5 yards of stretchy fabric. We didn't try the Moby for about 6 weeks because Mommy was daunted by what seemed to be a very complex wrapping and tying procedure. She needn't have worried - it took all of 5 minutes to figure it out, and once she put it on she practically didn't take it off!

For Older Babies/Younger Toddlers

We loved our Moby so, so much, but once I hit 15 pounds or so, it started to need constant readjustment. Our next go-to carrier was my Sakura Bloom ring sling. We started using it in about May of 2010, and we *still* use it regularly. I keep one next to me in Mommy's car, and we grab it for quick errands. I love riding on Mommy's hip and being a part of the action, but I'm still able to put my head down on her shoulder when I'm tired. It's quicker to pop on and off than the Moby and small enough to carry with us so I have it just in case. If we had the budget? We'd get one of these in *every* gorgeous color they make.

For Heavier Babies/Toddlers

I? am a peanut. At 25 months, I'm *still* barely 25 pounds, but even that starts to feel heavy after a while. Mommy, for that reason, has found back carries to be more comfortable lately. We've FINALLY learned to back carry in a wrap, and we take our mei tai when we go to the beach, but for the day to day, we've found soft structured carriers to be the most easy and convenient. We *love* our Olives & Applesauce carriers. Mommy has found it to be the most comfortable of the SSCs we've tried, and they're so pretty! Going into and out of rehearsals, when Mommy is lugging 3 bags of equipment and dodging the traffic of dismissal time in the parking lot of school, I am safe and secure on her back. To underline our point about the comfort of carriers being an individual preference, we will point out that Daddy prefers the Boba carrier. It has a high back, and foot stirrups to support my legs, so we think we will be able to use it for a while yet! The Boba was one of 3 carriers we took with us to Disney World earlier in the summer {without a stroller!}.

An Alternate

A friend of Mommy's gave us a Didymos wrap this summer, and we love it. We don't tend to grab it for day-to-day errands, but we've brought it with us on a few vacations. It's so soft and cuddly that it doubled as a blanket for me, and it wraps into a back carry super easily. What do you think - does it look comfy?

A Wish List for Squishy

You might think that we have all of the carriers we could possibly need - and you'd probably be right... That doesn't stop us from having a few that we'd love to have for when my baby sister gets here! First up, a pink and sparkly wrap from BabyEtte. Because? Pink. And Sparkly. Next, Mommy would like to start using a woven wrap earlier with Squishy than with me, and while we love the Didymos, it's on the long side. The Girasol Earthy Rainbow (in size 5.2) is our *dream* carrier. ::drool:: Finally, Mommy we have always wanted to try a Beco Butterfly - and in a boy-friendly print like Duke or the new Robots, maybe Daddy would wear it, too. Plus, Squishy and I would both get use out of it!

So, that's it - babywearing in our house: past, present, and future... Mommy and I are happy to answer any questions you might have, and is an *amazing* resource. You should also check out my fabulous babywearing guest posters from my Sling Fling Week last March!

This is a total non sequitur, but I *have* to mention that, ummmm, I'm totally famous now. Don't worry, I'll remember the little people! Check out this month's (November 2011) issue of Parents Magazine - I'm on page 125! Thanks so much to my new friend Noemy for tweeting me to let me know.

Also? Mommy and Daddy got married 3 years ago today. Happy Anniversary to them!

Photo Credit: Stephanie Violette


  1. I think with the next one, I really want to get into babywearing. It just seems so much better and easier. Happy Anniversary! Our 3 year anniversary was yesterday!!!

  2. 1. Thanks for the shout out and meeting my demands ;)
    2. Happy anniversary!!! And congrats on Parents mag...eee that's exciting!
    3. This is exactly what I was looking for! Very informative :) I can't wait to babywear my Bean.

  3. Aaaaahhh I want a back carrier sooo badly! I have a Baby Bjorn, but The Munchkin gets sooo heavy after a while!!!

  4. Happy Anniversary! I want a back carrier too!


I know, I'm cute, right? Is that what you were going to say? Go ahead, you can pinch my cheeks.