Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Mommy Moves Mountains...

...or at least minor holidays. I know that all the better baby bloggers did their Halloween posting last week, but we do things differently around here, so I hope you'll bear with me.

We had plans to go to six different Halloween events this year, so Mommy worked hard at making my costume and then actually made a matching one for herself - even Henry was all set to get in the spirit. And then? We didn't make it to any of our planned outings.

So we went trick-or-treating on Sunday, and it was totally fine. We *tried* to take supercute pictures, but given a combination of my mid-afternoon crankies, too bright lighting in Grammy Boo's driveway, and general toddler and dog shenanigans, well... You'll see.

I? was Woody. Duh.

Mommy was Jesse.

Henry? He was Buzz.

So, yeah. Some of our details were a bit off - and Henry's wings were not rigid like they were supposed to be, but all in all, I think we looked pretty cute.

What's that? You want to see more poorly lit, blurry, outdated pictures? Can do!

I spent about 45 minutes RUNNING up and down Coach and Grammy Boo's driveway.

Henry mostly stood around looking handsome. Or ridiculous. One of the two.

We totally failed at taking a group shot.

Aaaaaaaand, just a few more of me. Because who are we kidding? You're here for the cute, right?

Have Halloween pics? Leave me a link in my comments and I'd love to stop by and check 'em out!
Buh bye!

Who has a theme idea for us for next year?


  1. So cute!!!!! You could do a Bob the Builder theme next year - Cole as Bob, you as Wendy and Henry could be the Spud!

  2. Absolutely adorable! The costumes turned out great! Looks like you guys had a great time. And here's our Halloween post...


I know, I'm cute, right? Is that what you were going to say? Go ahead, you can pinch my cheeks.