Monday, December 12, 2011

Out & About

Mommy is still on bed rest; Squishy is still an inside baby - nothing new to report there. In fact, Squishy got a perfect score on her first test - 8/8 on some biophysical profile or something. {So she'll obviously be following me off to Harvard.}

But just because Mommy is trapped at home doesn't mean I am!
On Friday, Coach took me to the Botanical Gardens to see the Holiday Train Show. I was SO excited to see Thomas and all of the other model trains set up in elaborate displays! Unfortunately, Coach is not really used to toddler wrangling by himself AND being the paparazzi at the same time, so we only have a few pics:

This way, Coach!

It's Thomas!

This guy was also hanging around - Coach and I are not really sure why. I gave him a high 5, though - that's the polite thing to do when you meet large furry characters.

On Saturday, Daddy and Grandma and Grammy Boo and Coach and I went to the circus. You guys? The CIRCUS! It. was. AWESOME. Mommy had checked and rechecked the site to get us the best possible tickets, and to find a discount code for them - and it paid off! We had great seats, right in the center. We saw horsies, and dog tricks, and acrobats, and it was so great - I was enthralled. A magician collapsed a box while a lady was inside of it and THAT was not my favorite part, but she was okay. And? Mommy told me to make sure I got some pink cotton candy (the blue stuff, she says, is just not right) and Coach got me some AND I had popcorn, too.

You weren't allowed to take pictures during the performance, so Grammy Boo tried her best to get some before the show, but they're not so great. {Mommy's camera has been broken and she WAS going to go to Costco to get it fixed or exchange it or something last Thursday, but then she had to go to the hospital instead so we're using Grammy Boo's camera for now.}

This was a gorilla shape that no one really succeeded in getting a good shot of me inside:

Fail #1. We keep telling Mommy that this was a gorilla cutout, but it looks more like a Yeti or something to her.

Fail #2. I think I was kind of falling out of my jacket.

Grandma and Daddy and I, very seriously ready to enjoy the show.

Pink Cotton Candy - yum!

On Tuesday my friend Trey and his mommy are coming over to make cookies and decorate them - maybe we will save them and someone can take me over to the firehouse to share with the volunteer firemen. Mommy's bed rest instructions say she's allowed to get up for showers and potty and meals, so it stands to reason she could prepare some food, right?


  1. I'm so glad you had fun little man! And I completely agree with mommy, blue cotton candy is unnatural.

  2. That blue thing is definitely a yeti!

    And I'm happy you were so polite to the wolf! Way to use your manners in strange circumstances LOL

    Your serious circus face reminds me of Mason's serious squash face LOL


I know, I'm cute, right? Is that what you were going to say? Go ahead, you can pinch my cheeks.