Thursday, January 5, 2012

Celebrity Look Alikes

Last week, at a friends house, I saw a picture of Ashton Kutcher and proclaimed, "Uncle David! In the snow!"

Now, a comparison to Ashton Kutcher *could* be a compliment...

... but most of the time these days? Ashton looks kind of beat.

At any rate, Mommy is not really sure she sees the resemblance.

She is totally ready to see the world through my eyes though, since I picked up a photo from a magazine yesterday and happily exclaimed, "Mommy! Look like you, Mommy!"

Just for comparison, here is Mommy:

Not too bad for 7 months pregnant and no makeup. {Also? Kind of sad that the most recent pic of Mommy I have is 2 months old.}

Here is the woman I think she looks like:

So yeah. Mommy says that Uncle David can totally be Ashton Kutcher as long as she gets to be Jennifer Aniston.

Who do I look like?

Maybe toddler Ben from Friends?


  1. You are so Jennifer Aniston. Uncle David looks a little bit like Crosby from the show Parenthood {Dax Shephard}. It's the eyes. And the hair. I think. :)

  2. Amy, I can totally see the similarities in David and Crosby!

    And just to point out, Nicholas also picked up a little toy wizard on Christmas and claimed it was Uncle David. Just saying.

  3. When we were in Duluth this fall, Mason pointed to a woman in a huge white wedding dress and screamed "Daddy!!" and wanted to run for her. He also points to the giant turtle on the wall at swim class and calls that Daddy.

    That being said, it's obvious that Cole is much smarter than Mason, due to his advanced age and all. For sure!

  4. I can see the Jennifer Anniston resemblance. What a cutie pie to point it out!!!

  5. Oh my goodness, I totally went to high school with your Uncled David, Cole!! :) Hope you are all having a wonderful time with little squishy and that mommy is feeling well.


I know, I'm cute, right? Is that what you were going to say? Go ahead, you can pinch my cheeks.