Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Herding Cats

Since Mommy bought one of the photos that they took in the hospital, we were entitled to a free sitting & 8x10 for Lulu's first monthday... except they didn't really come in a timely manner, so Lulu's model moment was last week - she's over 2 months old already!

Anyway, Mommy had her heart set on getting a cute picture of us together, so she put us in our totally adorable matching shirts and straightened up the house a little bit in preparation for the photo shoot.

Unfortunately, I was NOT cooperative. I refused to even go into the kitchen while the photographer was there. On the upside, there should be TONS of cute shots of Lulu to choose from, but none of both of us together.

Undeterred, Mommy waited until later in the afternoon and then spread a blanket out to try to take some pics of her own. No dice.

Lulu, as usual, was all ready for her closeup:

I was less ready...


Similarly, Mommy was hoping to get a shot of us together on St. Patrick's Day, but there wasn't really any time to do that, so by the time she tried, I was grumpy and watching Monsters, Inc. and Lulu was sleeping.
Still cute though, right?


  1. LOL - yep, "herding cats" is about right!

  2. LOVE the shirts! And your little ones are still adorable!!!

  3. I have 6 yr old and almost 2 yr old and its really difficult to get photo of them both, can be really frustrating at times.

  4. Been there, done that. I don't have many good pictures of my kids together at all. I was SHOCKED the other day when I was trying to get a picture of the two of them together by the gigantic bunny in our front yard and Bryce ran right up behind Rylie, hugged her and smiled. It was like an Easter miracle! ;-)

    Cute pictures anyway. I love the St. Patty's Day outfits!

  5. Awwww, don't worry, they're adorable anyway! Love the outfits. Cole does however look like a disenchanted business man in his LOL


I know, I'm cute, right? Is that what you were going to say? Go ahead, you can pinch my cheeks.