Wednesday, April 25, 2012

32 Months

Are we really a third of the way through 2012 already?  Lulu wasn't even here at the beginning of the year, and now she's growing out of her 3 month clothes!

Taking care of Baby Lulu continues to be my favorite thing to do - I fetch binkies, give her toys, and alert Mommy whenever "my Baby Sister is CWYING!"  I love running and jumping and playing outside as the weather gets warmer, and I'm very imaginative.  "The ghosts are coming to eat us! Run away! Run away!"  Max and I are *beginning* to play tag and hide-and-seek, but the nuances of both games escape us so far, so really we're just running together much of the time.

Mommy is continually blown away by the things I understand and repeat; I told her my toy cars were stopped at a stop sign and she asked what color a stop sign is. "A red ock-uh-gon, Mommy."  I picked up a toy and explained to Daddy that it was a piece of coal. Then I told him all about how coal makes trains go.  And today? I was coloring in a Thomas coloring book and I told Mommy I was coloring in the buffers... 

I love dinosaurs and trains and Mickey Mouse and Sesame Street.  I do NOT like when things are not going my way, or I can't make my words work to tell Mommy or Daddy what I want.  I am about 27 pounds and 33" tall - but Mommy will tell you I'm 34" because 33" isn't even ON the growth charts...  I've been on a SUPER long nap strike and then yesterday, I fell asleep at 4:30 and slept through the night! Sheer exhaustion does *exactly* what you might imagine for my moods, but I don't want to go to sleep and miss anything!

Checking in with the BabyCenter milestones:

Mastered Skills (most kids can do)
  • Recites own name - Are you kidding? I can introduce the whole family!

  • Draws a circle - Yup.
Emerging Skills (half of kids can do)
  • Puts on a t-shirt - I'm more interested in taking them OFF.
  • Balances on each foot for a second - Yes.

  • Recognizes ABCs - *Some* of them; I can pretty reliably pick out C and R and S, but that's about it.
  • Brushes teeth by himself - When I'm in a teeth-brushy kind of mood.
Advanced Skills (a few kids can do)
  • Uses two adjectives - I am a *very* descriptive guy.
  • Draws a cross - No. And you couldn't call it an X? or a T?
  • Points to objects described by use - Mommy still hasn't tried this one...

1 comment:

  1. its amazing right? at one point my nephew was telling me (at 3.5 years old) the difference between a front loader, a dump trunk and an excavator. i called them all digging trucks. ha!


I know, I'm cute, right? Is that what you were going to say? Go ahead, you can pinch my cheeks.