Monday, December 3, 2012

Our Week in iPhone Photos: 11/25-12/1

Linking up with Suzanne again!


 We bundled up to go into the city on Sunday, and I ate my weight in ravioli.


Monday is Music for Aardvarks day - except it was cancelled twice by hurricane Sandy, then it was Veteran's Day, and then last week Mommy had pink eye and had to go to the doctor.  Baby Lulu was PSYCHED to be back in class!


 It snowed on Tuesday, and we were stuck inside the whole day...

 It was super boring.

And Baby Lulu kept trying to sneak into my tent.


Ohmigosh, you guys, Wednesday? Wednesday was HARD.If you are friends with Mommy in real life, then you know that she kind of had a mini nervous breakdown on Wednesday night.  No sleep + stuck inside + some potty troubles {mine} = Fried Mommy

Am I flipping Wednesday the bird even as I am waking up?

Joe Cool Toddler is NOT cold.

Frazzled Mommy = lots of iPad time.  I showed Elmo & Mickey all my favorite YouTube clips.


Finally, sleep.


We got a new carrier and are totally in love - details soon!


 No idea what we are doing here. Also? Just noticed that Lulu wore that Halloween outfit like 3 times this week.  Mommy? It's DECEMBER. 

Phase One of turning Mommy human again was her ditching us on Friday night to go out to dinner with friends. She dressed up, wore a necklace that does NOT double as a teether, and even put on make up right after snapping this shot.  She had a great time. There was sangria involved.


 Phase Two of Mommy's rehumanification was getting her hair done Saturday morning.

I got to go swimming with Daddy - I had to put my hat on for the walk over to the pool.

See you next week?


  1. LOL - that Friday pic is hilarious! Love your hair!

  2. Wow, your hair looks amazing! I'm trying to rehuman-ify myself too but some sleep troubles are turning me into a mommy zombie instead so I think I know how your Wednesday felt.

  3. Awesome hair it makes you look younger.

  4. Awesome hair it makes you look younger.


I know, I'm cute, right? Is that what you were going to say? Go ahead, you can pinch my cheeks.