Tuesday, March 13, 2012

2 Months

Baby Lulu? She's two months old already! When *I* was little time practically stood still - Mommy can't BELIEVE it is mid-March already... and it doesn't help that it *feels* like mid-May out there - 65 degree temperatures all week, what?? Not only has Lulu outgrown her newborn clothes (Mommy is a little weepy over that. Or a lot weepy. SO weepy.), but most of the 3 month clothes that Mommy got her were still wintery and warm and snuggly. The spring stuff she has is mostly 6 months because Mommy did not anticipate this warm weather!

Cousin Amy and Cousin Meredith have off this week for spring break, so yesterday Amy and I hung out while Mommy took Lulu to visit Dr. Andy; she's perfect, of course, and growing so big! She is 10 pounds, 13 ounces, and 22 inches tall (50th percentile and approaching 50th percentile, respectively). You should see her chubby little thighs! She got 3 shots, which she did NOT love, and she had a teeny fever last night, but she's a champ and slept it off.

She has been totally flirty and smiley lately; she'll coo and stick her tongue out at anyone who pays attention to her - and she's totally got that Tyra Banks smizing thing down.

Let's check in with BabyCenter, yes?

Mastered Skills (most kids can do)
  • Vocalizes, gurgles, and coos - She's not super-talkative, but she does coo a bit more than I ever did.

  • Follows objects across field of vision - She can spot Mommy from across the room! She likes watching me, too.
  • Notices her hands - She jams them in her mouth a bunch!
  • Holds head up for short periods of time - YES! She has a very strong neck, just like I did.
Emerging Skills (half of kids can do)
  • Smiles, laughs - She's a total flirt; she smiles a ton, and Mommy is pretty sure she's heard a giggle or two as well.
  • Holds head at 45 degree angle - Yup.
  • Makes smoother movements - smoother than what? I'm not really sure how to answer this one.
Advanced Skills (a few kids can do)
  • Holds head steady - YES. Ask me more about her head, BC... you seem a little obsessed.
  • Can bear weight on legs - Maybe a little, but not really.
  • Lifts her head and shoulders when lying on tummy - Seriously, BC? You've got a one track line of questioning here... Yes, she does that, too.


  1. 2 months???!!! Can't be - you JUST had her!! And yea for this great weather - it's nice to be able to get out and about with the kiddies isn't it?


  2. Hard to believe she she is 2 months old already. What a cutie!

  3. She is so cute! Oh,and girls are total flirts. I know. I can't resist flirting with the cute bagboy at the grocery store or the pizza guy. Lol. Of course 2 months is cuter then 32 so I think that's my issue. :)


I know, I'm cute, right? Is that what you were going to say? Go ahead, you can pinch my cheeks.