Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Chag Sameach!

Daddy had Spring Break last week so we went on a bunch of adventures, and Passover started Friday night so we hosted our seder, and then we went to Boston for the weekend. Plus, Lulu is 3 months old today!

Lulu went to her very first movie on Tuesday with Mommy and Daddy while I hung out with Coach. AMC Theatres have teamed up with The Bump to present Bring Your Baby Matinees; on the first Tuesday of each month, a selected film with be shown in an infant friendly setting. Mommy was so psyched about this - there was a similar program that ended about a month before I was born, plus this month's selection was Hunger Games, and Mommy really wanted to see it! Lulu was unimpressed, but very well-behaved; she had a bottle and then fell asleep.

On Wednesday, we took the train (!!!) into the city and headed to the Central Park Zoo, where I visited the sea lions and woke up the polar bear. The train and the subway were TOTALLY as exciting as the zoo itself, and? There is a Magnolia Bakery in Grand Central Station now, so I had a yummy cupcake after lunch!
Daddy declared lugging the stroller on the subway a huge fail and next time we will just be bringing my SSC for back carries when I get tired.

On Saturday, we headed to the second seder with family in Boston and on Sunday we had an EPIC swimming in the hotel pool, New England Aquarium, merry-go-round, playground, swimming in the hotel pool *again* filled day before I had a category 12 meltdown at bedtime. Mommy thinks there is a possibility I was overtired. Yesterday was Daddy's birthday and we had a nice calm morning at Faneuil Hall before heading home.

Lulu has become more alert this past month and stays awake beyond her feedings before taking a nap. I really like playing with My Baby Sister and am always telling Mommy how cute she is. I like when she sits in her bouncy chair because then she is closer to hug and kiss - plus she likes it when I show her the monkeys and the frogs. She is really happy and smiley and she likes to laugh at me. I'm positive that she the cutest and best baby, but let's see what BabyCenter says, yes?

Mastered Skills (most kids can do)
  • Recognizes your face and scent - She totally lights up when I'm around - and she's pretty happy to see Mommy and Daddy, too.

  • Holds head steady - She's pretty much been able to do this forever.
  • Visually tracks moving objects - Like her bottle? Because boy will she follow that thing!
Emerging Skills (half of kids can do)
  • Squeals, gurgles, and coos - She is pretty quiet, but she coos every once in a while - mostly when she's chatting with me.
  • Blows bubbles - Nope.
  • Recognizes your voice - She definitely recognizes Mommy's voice and will turn toward wherever she is, but I'm not sure about anyone else's.
  • Does mini pushup - Not really... she hates tummy time with a passion, though, so she probably just needs more time to practice.
Advanced Skills (a few kids can do)
  • Rolls over from tummy to back - Nope - again, we probably need to give her more time on her tummy despite her protestations.
  • Turns toward loud sounds - Yup.
  • Can bring hands together, bats at toys - Yup! She tries to hold her bottle.

Kosher for Passover


  1. Lulu looks so big for only 3 months! What a cutie!

  2. She's so adorable Sarah!! Matt can't wait to spend time with you guys in August - you will have him for 2 full weeks :)

  3. What a busy time you guys have been having! Yay for Mommy getting to watch grown up movies and for you getting to take the subway. I love the amused "What was he thinking?!" look on your face in the stroller on the subway picture :o)


I know, I'm cute, right? Is that what you were going to say? Go ahead, you can pinch my cheeks.