Saturday, September 10, 2011

10 on 10 - September

Another rare weekend post - aren't you lucky?

So, remember how Mommy's friend Kari posts 10 pictures on the 10th of each month? I played along last May, but have forgotten until it was too late every month since... until today! {Mommy set an alarm on her phone - we were *determined* not to forget again.}

Here we go, an exciting day in my life:

I am not really a morning person.

Mommy and I ate breakfast and watched some Curious George while waiting for Daddy and Henry to get up. Also? My Toy Story boots are my favorite.

Daddy and I took Henry for his morning walk; Sugarplum came, too. That's not my pack and play still in the front hall from going away last week. Nope. Nothing to see here - look away!

Moving on...

I watched some videos on YouTube caught up on some email correspondence while waiting for Mommy and Daddy to get their acts together so we could go out!

The shoe monster got my sandal while we were driving to lunch! {Yes, I am 2 years old and still rear-facing. It's safer that way.}

It is important to read the menu very carefully before choosing a lunch. Yummy, Pepe's Pizza!

After lunch we headed to Yonkers Riverfest. Apparently being very tall is a prerequisite for joining this band.

On the Science Barge, Daddy helped me string beads on a pipe cleaner to make a bracelet...

...and I got a ladybug painted on my hand. I know you can't see the bug here, but I was really excited about it!

We spent a while walking around the festival, and then we found a playground on the way home, and I got to swing on a big boy swing!

We had a very long day - especially since after we got home and had dinner, Daddy took me to the pool for a quick dip before bedtime! I hope everyone else has a nice weekend - see you Monday!


  1. Wow that's a lot in one day. Sounds like a lot of fun. Hope the rest of your weekend is just as fun!

  2. I can't believe I wasn't already following you! Your blog is so stinkin' cute and I love the pictures! Looks like y'all had a great time!

  3. What a cutie! Looks like he keeps you all very busy... as he should :) Thanks for linking up!

  4. Love this :) That's so great that you RF at 2 years! Hoping to do the same.


I know, I'm cute, right? Is that what you were going to say? Go ahead, you can pinch my cheeks.