Monday, September 12, 2011

Toddler Busy Bag Swap!

Mommy thinks activities that keep me quietly entertained for a few minutes at a time are a super-great idea, and she's been finding tons of Quiet Time boxes and Busy Bag ideas that look amazing... but, as we've discussed before, Mommy's ambition and her craft-ability don't always measure up.

Enter this new fantabulous idea! How about if we only had to come up with ONE idea for a Busy Bag to create ourselves and were able to get a bunch in return? Sounds good, right? Time for a Busy Bag swap!

This is totally selfish - Coach had shoulder surgery last week, so he's out of commission for a while, and Daddy works during the day and will be teaching 3 nights a week this fall, so Mommy's envisioning numerous doctor's appointments and rehearsals where she'd rather I wasn't running amok!

You guys are all in, right? Please?

Here's the idea/rules:
  • Each participant will come up with ONE idea for a Busy Bag. {You can find inspiration by googling "Busy Bag" {duh} or check out what Mommy has on her Pinterest board.}

  • The activity should fit in a gallon bag and be suitable for ages 1-3 or so. Also, no one should be breaking the bank, so try to keep your bags to a cost of $1 - $2 each.

  • Create enough of your bags for all the participants - I'm hoping for 12-15 people to sign up. {If fewer than 6 people are interested, we'll just scrap the idea and call it a day.}

  • Send ALL of your bags to Mommy by Friday, October 7, along with a check or PayPal for $11 to cover the shipping back to you {we'll use medium flat rate boxes}.

  • Once we get all of the bags, we will organize them and send them out so that each participant will get one of each of the Busy Bags, including the one they made.
Clear as mud? If you'd like to join in, fill in the following form and I'll send you an email Saturday morning with how many baggies you'll be making and where to send them. {I'll leave the form open until Friday so that anyone who's interested has a chance to sign up - I'd love it if you'd tweet or blog the link to this entry for anyone else who might be interested!}

1 comment:

  1. Is this swap still open for sign up?


I know, I'm cute, right? Is that what you were going to say? Go ahead, you can pinch my cheeks.