Wednesday, October 26, 2011

26 Months

How the heck is it the end of October? Seriously, we *just* started hitting some fall-like temperatures and before we know it it will be winter!

Mommy is TOTALLY not ready for winter. SQUISHY IS COMING THIS WINTER. 3rd trimester, what?!


October went by so quickly that I can't even think of what we did, even though it certainly feels like we were always running somewhere... A consultation with our Google calendar reveals that in the past 30 days, Mommy and I have trekked to six doctor's appointments and seven rehearsals, and I said bye bye to my crib. We found out Squishy is going to be a girl and celebrated the Jewish New Year. I made my Parent's Magazine debut and Mommy and Daddy went out for their 3rd anniversary.

We are still praying for Grandpa in the ICU.

At 26 months, I am still *not quite* 25 pounds, and my clothes are all in the 18-24 month range (except when we haven't done laundry in a while, when I've been known to rock 12 months pants).

These BabyCenter milestones will look familiar since, apparently, at the ripe old age of 2 you no longer learn new stuff every month and they group 2 months together...

Mastered Skills (most kids can do)
  • Stacks six blocks - Been doing it for months.

  • Walks with smooth heel-toe motion - Still mostly running or skipping (or JUMPING) whenever I want to get anywhere, but, yeah, when I walk I move my feet appropriately.
Emerging Skills (half of kids can do)
  • Uses pronouns (e.g. I, me, you) - Meh, sometimes. I definitely prefer to use full names.
  • Washes and dries own hands - I *love* to turn the sink on... I'm not totally sure about scrubbing or anything like that.
Advanced Skills (a few kids can do)
  • Speaks clearly most of the time - Yes. I get compliments comments *everywhere* we go about how verbal I am. Mommy would appreciate if sometimes I was not quite so loquacious.
  • Draws a vertical line - Actually, yes! I have developed a real interest in coloring lately - and I tell Mommy what I drawing. Although, my dragons look an awful lot like my horsies to the casual observer.
Henry got a haircut this month. He looks ridiculous - and that's *before* he puts his Buzz Lightyear costume on!


  1. This month did go by fast! And I lol'd at Henry - how cute!!

  2. Oh my I am laughing so hard about Henry! I love sheared pets ;). The odd thing is that my daughter draws nothing but vertical lines on a chalk board but draws squiggly lines and such in a coloring book. Also, yay for Cole sleeping in his big boy bed - WAHOO :)!

  3. Wow happy 26 monthday!!!! And I can't believe that you are in your 3rd trimester already! That sure flew by!


I know, I'm cute, right? Is that what you were going to say? Go ahead, you can pinch my cheeks.