Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Big Boy Bed

Do you follow me on Facebook? If you do, you already know my big news from this weekend.

Yup, that's me - in my big boy bed. No biggie.


On Saturday, I said good-bye to my crib in the morning, and then headed to the mall with Grammy Boo and Aunt Angela to pick out my special big boy sheets. I got Woody & Buzz sheets, of course, AND a Toy Story pillow! In the meantime, Mommy got to work rearranging my furniture to get my room ready for me. (You know, right AFTER she locked herself out and Uncle David and Aunt Angela had to come rescue her. {FAIL} Uncle David even moved my crib out of the room before he left!)

You can see pictures of my room set up as a Nursery here, and I promise pics of the new Big Boy room later in the week - Uncle David moved the crib into Mommy and Daddy's room, where it will be ready for Squishy in January, and Mommy moved my bed so that there are no parts of it up against the window. She also moved the low dresser/changing area over to where my crib was, and moved the rocking chair under the window. Uncle Eric came over to anchor the furniture to the wall, while Daddy put together my bed rail, and everything was ready for my first night! (TIP: Do not attempt to put together a bed rail, the directions of which were clearly written in another language first before being translated badly, after a long day. Especially, do not start with a bedtime deadline fast approaching.)

This move was HIGH on Mommy's to-do list before Squishy's arrival - we meant to transition at the end of August, but better late than never, right? I was so excited to sleep in my big boy bed that I went right to sleep on Saturday night... but I did wake up 3 times, and was a little grumpy and disoriented; not only am I used to sleeping in my crib, I'm used to being on the other side of the room! Mommy came in and tucked me back in though, and I went right back to sleep. I woke up about a half an hour earlier than usual, but otherwise weathered the transition pretty well.

On Sunday, Daddy and Mommy and I met up with Michele and Taylor and Max and Baby Sarah for Boo at the Zoo. We had *such* a great time, and then we had dinner with Uncle David, Aunt Angela, Grandma, and Aunt Francine - we got home pretty late and I hadn't napped (2 days in a row!) so I was MORE than ready for sleep. I went to bed without any trouble at all and slept through the night, even if I did get up a little earlier than usual on Monday morning.

Oh! And guess what else I figured out on Monday morning? I can totally get out of my big boy bed all by myself! My bedroom door knob is a bit tricky, but I was definitely trying to get it open when Mommy came in to say "Good Morning."

After such a busy weekend, Mommy *really* wanted a nap yesterday. But me? Not so much. Who would want to stay in bed and take a nap when my train table is RIGHT THERE?! Nap Attempt #1 in Big Boy Bed = Major Fail. For Mommy anyway - *I* had a great nap time - I just didn't actually, you know, nap.

Mommy's hoping today will be more successful - any tips from my toddler friends?

So. Transition to Big Boy Bed: check! (You will notice in my pics above, though, that my binkies came with me... on thing at a time!) So many posts percolating in my brain - yesterday was my 26-monthday, so look for a milestone update tomorrow...


  1. Matthew never naps in his bed. We have one of those little toddler couch that folds out that he'll lay down on. Got it at Walmart.


  2. Yay for the transition to a big boy bed!! We're on our way now to get logan's new bed. He's in a toddler bed & moving to a full. Love your bedding!! I bet Logan will pick out a Toy Story set as well :) well that or Cars lol!

    Nap time was such a challenge for us. I just have to lay beside his bed until he falls asleep. He normally goes to sleep pretty quickly. Oh & the room has to be totally dark. Otherwise, he'd much rather play.

  3. Congrats! What a great accomplishment!!!

  4. Congrats to you! Love seeing all the cute toys next to him :)

  5. OMG look at all those stuffed animals! Great job sleeping in the big boy bed, Cole!

  6. Please email me! I have a question about your blog :)

  7. Hello! I am working on a book development project. I am writing a children’s book about the transition from crib to “big kid bed.” I am looking for photographs to use in my book, and I really like the photos you have posted to your blog of your son in his new bed! I am writing to ask if you would be willing to give me rights to use the photograph/s in my book. I will need permission to use it for commercial use. Please let me know if you have questions about the content of the book. Thank you!

    Karen Langdon


I know, I'm cute, right? Is that what you were going to say? Go ahead, you can pinch my cheeks.